Hey Female Entrepreneurs - The MOST IMPORTANT step you're missing that will get you to $1Million in Revenue
The Salesgirls Present...
Follow Up Flow
Your Playbook to $1M
One Sales Conversation Can Change Everything…
The method is about conversations…
because one conversation could change everything. Do
This method is about following up…
because connection creates conversions
This method is about selling to the masses…
because each large group of people is made up of individuals that want to be seen and heard.
This method is about creation…
because creating sales and marketing messages that you are certain will have people saying, “it’s like you were in my head.”
$224,894 from Follow Ups
We started our business in 2018, and we focused on one thing and one thing only: SELLING OUR OFFER. We were too busy playing the game to even look at the scoreboard.
We did most of our selling in the form of a live webinar. Create a sales message, present it in the form of a webinar.
At the time, our offer was $3,897.
In 2020, we decided to start debriefing our live launches. Dissecting who showed up, who bought, when did they buy, how did they enter our world, etc. Our way of “looking at the scoreboard.” Something we likely should’ve been doing the whole time.
We looked at the data and thought not much of it, until we showed it to our then-coach.
She was a launch strategist and had been for 15 years.
She was amazed at what she saw:
57 people needed a connection in order to make a decision.
57 people needed their objection handled.
57 people needed to see what could be possible for them on the other side of this decision.
Most businesses in the live-launching world put so much effort into the webinar itself and then wait it out to see how the results shake out.
Us? The webinar was just the starting point.
This is how we always thought. But in that moment, we saw we weren’t like everyone else.
What was normal for us was amazing to others.
There are people that need you to meet them where you are. And, while you might not use this method for the rest of your life, I believe this process is the very thing that will make you an irresistible salesgirl.
I believe it will help you break past a 6 figure ceiling into 7 figures, way faster.
You’ll be the girl that can sell reflexively. As effortlessly and as elegantly as tying your shoes. And the skill set that will be used in everything you do, for the rest of your life.
From selling your teenager to study for his exam during the week, so he can enjoy playing football over the weekend, to selling your girlfriends on going to Mexico for the annual girls' trip instead of the mountains or selling your company for $100 million dollars.
Your life will never be the same.
Still not sure?
No worries - let me answer some questions you might have:
How is this different from everything else I’ve seen?
Make money the simplified way. No more guessing games, no more spending hours on youtube. This system shortens the sales cycle immensely by entering through the ‘front door’ of the marketplace: sales conversations.
What’s in it for me?
When you focus on playing the game, the scoreboard takes care of itself. This is your playbook so you know how to play the game of business. If you play it with focus and intention, $1 million in revenue will be on your scoreboard soon enough.
How do I know this is real?
Ashley is a genius ads marketer. She has managed tens of millions of dollars in ad spend for large companies. She knew her stuff. But when she was ready to teach others how to do it, her offer wasn’t landing for the marketplace as well as she thought it would.
She started using the follow up flow method to understand - what is the market saying? What is holding them back from learning how to do ads? What do they need to hear?
With sales skills in her pocket her conversations started to reveal the gaps in her messaging and she was able to reiterate, one conversation at a time.
Therefore, in just 6 months, she went from a $5K launch, to a $40K, to having a $150K WEEK.
These conversations started a small fire, then her live event and info calls became the gasoline to pour over the fire.
(All of which is broken down in the Follow Up Flow Guide!)
What’s holding me back?
We were made by a Creator to create. So, it makes sense why your natural tendency is to want to go into a dark room to create your sales and marketing message.
The problem is great sales messaging is always created by sales conversations first.
Otherwise, you’re left guessing and blindfolded.
What if you could earn as you learn your perfect sales message?
That’s what’s possible for you.
Who/What is to blame?
Listed below are the mantras of what seems like every business guru:
“Don’t chase anyone. They come to you.”
“Sell in your sleep.”
“Your webinar should do the selling for you.”
“You’re the CEO, You shouldn’t be doing this. A salesperson should.”
“If you have to follow up, your marketing isn’t good enough.”
The Follow Up Flow method is going to make you money. But making money will be the byproduct of the one very important reason for implementing the Follow Up Flow method.
To become the very best salesperson you can be.
(Or - as we call ourselves, Salesgirls.)
Once you become a world-class salesgirl, THEN you can make webinars that convert, people will want to buy from you, and you can make marketing that is too powerful to resist.
The business gurus aren’t lying, they’re just missing the first and most important step: becoming a salesgirl by connecting first.
Why Now?
I want you to experience wealth now. I want you to enjoy the fruits of your labor now. I want you to have a life of options with your family now.
Your family needs you to make this work.
You think success will eventually happen… you think, “one day this will all pay off.” “One day it will be worth it.”
Working hard without results is excruciating and unnecessary.
Your “one day” dream is meant to happen right now. And it starts here.
Why should I trust you?
We’re Kat and Macy and we’re the Salesgirls.
We had our first million dollar year in our third year of business WITHOUT paid advertising or funnels.
To be honest - I used to feel ashamed of this. Every successful entrepreneur story I heard had an insane rock bottom. Everything was lost, sleeping in cars, in insane debt, sharing a one bedroom apartment with 10 people for a decade kind of story.
We are just 2 girls that wanted to take a swing at entrepreneurship because a mediocre life felt like rock bottom to us.
We started in network marketing (separately and in different companies) with insanely high hopes because we both had been really good at just about everything we put effort into.
Sports, grades - hard work always equaled results.
Until we started selling.
Sharing our lives on social media, showing up to calls, learning and reading books didn’t equal sales.
It was embarrassing and devastating.
That’s when I, Macy, was approached by my dad, Loy Day. He told me I was coming off ashamed to sell. He challenged me to think about what it would look like to proudly sell my offer?
With my tail between my legs, I learned sales skills. Head down and fully focused - doing this exact follow up flow method.
Connecting with people, hearing their concerns and the beliefs that were keeping them from moving forward.
Those conversations gave me the content to sell in my instagram stories - it was so insanely effective.
I had my first $10K month.
This was the exact process that brought our business to its first million dollars in revenue without a fancy funnel or paid advertising.
How can I get started?
Grab your guide here - it will be sent to your inbox within 5-10 minutes!
How does it work?
After thousands of sales conversations, creating hundreds of public sales messages and selling millions of dollars worth of offers, we’ve taken our exact signature process for moving people through the buying process with follow ups, purposeful sales conversations and powerful public sales messages and it’s all laid out in this guide.
What do I have to lose?
The way I see it, you’ve got 3 options:
Option #1: Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.
If you love selling, your public sales message absolutely dominates and you’ve got more sales coming in than you can handle - you might not need this new way of having sales conversations.
But, if you are ready to change the game when it comes to making sales in your business, the other 2 options might be better.
Option #2: Figure out a better way yourself
You can keep trying band-aids, but eventually, a surgery will have to happen to make the change you want - for good.
Option #3: Grab the Follow Up Flow Guide
Get the playbook that can’t fail. Go all in. Obsess with connecting so you can be certain in your sales message.
There are those that dream about the life they want and those who are ready to do the work that gives them the life they want.
Most will tell you they want to make an impact with their offer.
But we both know very few actually make it happen.
The classic tail of the willful and the wishful.
Since you’ve made it this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones.
If I’m right and you’re with me, grab the guide now.
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